It’s normal to see small lumps and slight curves in your asphalt shingles during the first few days after installation. Don’t worry because these will disappear in warm weather after a couple of weeks. But if these imperfections don’t go away after a few more weeks, your shingles might be defective or have low quality shingles. Other factors can also result in this wavy or rippled appearance, so make sure to call your roofer for a professional inspection.

1. Poor Installation Practices
If your shingles look rippled, this could be due to improper stapling or nailing direction. Felt must be stapled, and the shingles must be nailed down in the direction where they are being laid. Improper nailing can cause your shingles to be blown off during strong winds or storms, which could result in leaks.
2. Damaged Underlayment
Wrinkled underlayment occurs if the material is exposed to moisture for an extended period. That is why roofing contractors don’t install shingles during rainy weather. Furthermore, they remove only the shingles they can replace on the same day so that the underlayment won’t be left exposed to the elements.
If it suddenly rains, roofers wait for the felt to dry completely before installing the new shingles. If they staple down the new shingles over wet felt, this will cause the shingles to look wavy.
3. Improper Attic Ventilation
If your attic is not properly ventilated, moisture might condensate on the underside of the decking board. Over time, the moisture will penetrate the decking and reach your shingles. This will cause the shingles to warp and then ripple or buckle.
You can always count on LePage and Sons Roofing LLC to provide an accurate roof estimate for your maintenance and repair needs. We’re a GAF Master Elite® Roofing Company that delivers top-notch roof repair and replacement services. Call us at (508) 295-6483, or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation.